Just the Cheese Please

Ep21 - Young Einstein

Episode Summary

Albert Einstein is a young apple farmer from Tasmania who discovers how to split the atom in order to get bubbles into beer. He then travels to... you know what? It doesn't matter. This movie is ridiculous. It gets history so wrong its not even funny. Its insulting actually. At one point some guy tries to cook a pie full of kittens. Anyway, listen to Adam and Tara talk about what a disaster this movie. Towards the end Adam just starts talking about movies focused on male genitalia and truthfully it would have made a better episode.

Episode Notes

Albert Einstein is a young apple farmer from Tasmania who discovers how to split the atom in order to get bubbles into beer.  He then travels to... you know what?  It doesn't matter.  This movie is ridiculous.  It gets history so wrong its not even funny.  Its insulting actually.  At one point some guy tries to cook a pie full of kittens.  Anyway, listen to Adam and Tara talk about what a disaster this movie.  Towards the end Adam just starts talking about movies focused on male genitalia and truthfully it would have made a better episode.